
Swiss Ball Crunch

Sit on the exercise ball or Swiss ball, feet firmly on the ground. This is a great workout if you are trying to get eight pack abs.

How to perform a Swiss ball crunch:

  • place hands on each side of the head
  • slide forward until the lower half of the buttocks no longer touches the ball and the back is resting.
  • perform the crunch
  • contract your abs at the end of movement
  • back down and repeat

Like all other exercises for the abdominals, inhale during the contraction and exhale during extension.

Swiss Ball Roll

This exercise is be done with the hands on the floor.This movement works on the the upper and lower abdominals.It is very important that you concentrate on your abs while performing the exercise.

How to perform Swiss ball roll:

  • Both hands resting on the ground, place your feet on the Swiss ball
  • expire and bring your knees closer by rolling the Swiss ball forward
  • contract your abs at the end of movement
  • inspire and slowly return to starting position

The action of the exercise is focused on:

  • the upper and the lower abdominal
  • shoulder muscles, arms, back and buttocks to a lesser extent.

Leg Raise

The hanging leg raise is to be performed with your body weight. This is a strength exercise that targets the lower abdominals which are usually weaker than the upper abdominals.

 How to perform a leg raise:

  • Stand on a stool or a bench to grab the high bar in order to suspend yourself without your feet touching the ground. 
  • Keep hanging with arms fully extended and slightly arch your lower spine.
  • Inhale and hold your breath while bending the legs to your knees up as high as possible.
  • For this to be truly effective, the knees should stay in a horizontal position. Hold this contracted position for 1-2 seconds to be sure that the tension of the abdominals are at maximum.
  • Exhale and release yourself slightly by bringing the legs to the starting position. Mark a short break and try again.

This exercise targets the upper abs and obliques

Bicycle Crunch

How to perform a bicycle crunch:
lie on your back, knees bent at approximately 60 °, feet flat on the floor, place both hands on the neck.

  • by a cross movement, bring your right elbow and right shoulder at an angle of the torso and simultaneously mount the left knee to right shoulder
  • advance the elbow to touch the outside of the knee
  • do both sides


This exercise helps tone your abs.

How to perform a plank:

  • lie down with the belly facing the ground
  • Place your forearms perpendicular to the ground
  • your arms should be shoulder width apart
  • your knees and your feet shoulder width apart 
  • Be sure to keep your spine straight. Raise your pelvis, stretching the legs without locking the knees. Hold for few seconds and then back down. If you are a beginner, keep this position for 10 seconds and add of a few seconds each week.

This exercise works the rectus abdominal, the internal and external obliques.


How to perform a crunch:

Lying on your back, hands on either side of the head, legs vertical, knees bent:

  • inspire and lift your shoulders off the floor bringing your head to the knees. Expire at the end of movement.
  • Your lower back should be continuously flat on the ground.
  • To help you when performing this exercise, you can place your feet on a bench.

About breathing: you must learn to breathe properly. When you exercise your abs, you breathe through your nose during the return phase and exhale through the mouth during the first phase. 

Side Plank

How to perform a side plank:

Lying on the side opposite the one you want to work:

  • put your feet on top of one another, legs straight and knees unlocked.
  • Place your forearms on the floor and perpendicular
  • place your free arm along your body
  • keep your back straight and your head in line with the spine

The main muscles are the internal and external oblique and intercostal muscles 

Incline Bench Crunch

How to perform an incline bench crunch:

Sit on an incline bench hands on either side of the head

  • lift yourself up with the back slightly rounded.
  • briefly contract the abs
  • return to starting position
  • exhale at the end of movement

This exercise works the entire abs. The rectus abdominis, internal and external obliques.